Supplement Product List A-Z

Here is an alphabetical list of all supplements I offer - similar to what I had on my old site. Some of you prefer to shop that way - so here you go! If you cannot find a product on this list, please try searching for it.


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z




Actiflex Liquid

Actiflex Pellets!

Acti-Flex Powder

Adapt & Calm - Adaptogenic herbal

Aging Horses - Part of the Spotlight on Equine Nutrition Series

Air-Way EQ Pellets - for respiratory health

Aller Cease from Peak Performance Nutrients - Allergy relief using Bioflavonoids

Allergy Relief (Pure) from Twenty Four Carrots - Excellent quality

Allergy Support from Wild Fed Feed - Herbal and Clean

Algae to Omega by Equi-Force - HIGH DHA ALGAE!

Allstar from ForeFront Equine - An All-in-One product combining support for digestion, respiration, and joints with the benefits of colostrum.

Amino Acids: Nutra Amino - Essential Amino Acids Lysine, Methionine, and Threonine

Amiquell for Ulcers

Anti-Oxidant by Su-Per, now IRON-FREE!



B-1 by Horsetech]

B-1 by Su-Per

B-12 by Su-Per

Balance EQ for Cushing's

B-Complete - Green Bananas from Australia

BioFlax 20 for Hooves by Horsetech

BioFlax Ultra for Hooves

Biotin by Su-Per

Blackenall for Black and Bay Horses

Blood Sugar Support from Wild Fed

B-Plex (B Complex)

BEET-E-BITES Cookies and Crumbles - LOW NSC Treats!

Body Builder (Gamma Oryzanol) - for Muscle Development

Branched Chain Amino Acids - BCAA

Bute Substitute by Su-Per - Powder or Liquid



C-442 Buffered Vitamin C by Horsetech

California Trace and Trace PLUS - Concentrated Trace Minerals Support!

Camelina Oil and Premium Camelina Oil

Carb-X for insulin resistance with Gymnema sylvestri
Chia Seeds - Organic - from Getty Equine Nutrition!  Most economical. 

Chock Full'a Chia Biscuits by Pure Form Equine -  NEW Name! Stable Feed Chia Biscuits

Chia Biscuits and Loose Form by Stable Feed (formerly Pure Form Equine Chia). 

Chia -- Nutra Chia by Horsetech - NEW LOWER PRICING!

Chromium Yeast by Horsetech

Colostrum by ForeFront Equine. Support for immune function tissue repair and much more!

Cookie Crumblers from Beet-e-Bites - Low NSC for Picky Eaters!

Crypto Aero METABOLISM -- Reduces insulin resistance symptoms!  

Crypto Aero Plus - Whole Foods Supplement - Clean Eating! -- NEW LOWER PRICES!  

CurOst EQ Adapt & Calm - Ashwagandha for stress and depression

CurOst EQ Green - Mild inflammation support

CurOst EQ Immune Full Spectrum - Mushroom blend

CurOst EQ I.S. - Metabolic and Insulin Regulation

CurOst EQ Keto BHB - ketones for metabolism

CurOst EQ Meta Support - Support for Weight Loss

CurOst EQ Plus Performance

CurOst EQ Nitric Boost Enhanced - Improved circulation and exercise tolerance

CurOst EQ Pure Critical - for highest level of pain relief

CurOst EQ Stomach

CurOst EQ Total Body and Joint

CurOst EQ Total Support - Support for the whole body

Cushing's Disease - part of the Spotlight on Equine Nutrition Series




Daily Start Probiotic - potent and boosts immune function

DHA - Algae to Omega by Equi-Force

Diamond Detox from Twenty Four Carrots - Whole Foods for Flourishing Health!

Digestion -- Decidedly Different! - part of the Spotlight on Equine Nutrition Series




Natural Vitamin E by Horsetech

E-8000 by Su-Per

E (Natural) without Selenium by Su-Per

E-Clipse'PM - Neurological support of conditions such as EPM and Lyme's  

Equine Gold by Kauffman's

Easy Keeper - Part of the Spotlight on Equine Nutrition Series

Equi-Otic - Equine-derived probiotic that works best for diarrhea and stress

Equipockets - soft, chewy, low sugar/starch treats with a pocket for medication!

Exceed 6-Way




Flax - Cold Milled by Outlaw Feed - Individual Paks for Easy Feeding!

Feed Your Horse Like A Horse -- Now in PAPERBACK!  Signed and personalized.

Flaxseed Meal -- Nutra Flax

Flaxseeds, Ground - Organic by Getty Equine Nutrition 

Flex IR - for Insulin Resistance and Cushings

ForeBasics - Foundational Formula with Colostrum, Benecell, and Pre/probiotics

ForeCalm - A different way to calm horses and increase focus (Powder or paste)

ForeDigest by ForeFront Equine. Colostrum based Premium Product.

ForeJoint by ForeFront Equine. Colostrum, Egg Membrane, Nucleotides, and more to feed joints and ligaments

ForeRespiratory -- Promotes properly functioning lungs and airways

Freedom Feeder Slow Feeder Nets!




Gastro-Plex - Protect and Repair Stomach Lining

G.I. Bloom from Peak Performance Nutrients -- Amazing probiotic!

GLANZEN - Complete Product Line

GutWerks - Pre/Probiotics, Live Yeast and Yeast Culture




Hay Pillow - Slow Feeder that allows for Ground Feeding!

Hemp Protein 74 Percent - Organic, Quality Protein isolate extracted from hemp seed hearts. 

Hemp Seed Meal - High Quality Protein from ground hemp seeds - Non-GMO

Hemp Seed PELLETS - Non-GMO, High Quality Protein from ground hemp seeds, made into a pellet

Hemp Seed Heart Oil - Organic and made just from the hearts! High in GLA for reducing inflammation

Hemp Seed Hearts - High Protein Hemp Hearts - Organic or Non-GMO 

High Point for Alfalfa Diets

High Point for Grass/Pasture Diets  

High Point for Grass PELLETS!  

HylaSport CMO - with Cetyl Myristoleate!

HylaSport CTS

Hyaluronan from LubriSynHA and LubriSynHA+ with MSM -- high-molecular weight formula, extracted from a microbial source, is the most effective form of HA available on the market.




Immune Full Spectrum by CurOst EQ - mushroom blend

Inner Glow Omega Booster - by Twenty Four Carrots




Joint Health - part of the Spotlight on Equine Nutrition Series

Joint Support from Wild Fed Feed - Herbal and Clean



Laminex by MVP - No more Iron!

Laminitis -- Part of the Spotlight on Equine Nutrition Series

Lecithin (Phosphatidyl choline) -- Starting Gate to Prevent/Reverse Ulcers

Levelor for mare hormonal response

Ligand 3 -- supports ligament and tendon health

LinPro for Low Carb Diets

Wild Fed Liver Cleanse - Excellent Liver Support

LiverZyme - highly effective for liver dysfunction

LubriSynHA and LubriSynHA+ with MSM -- high-molecular weight formula of hyaluronan, extracted from a microbial source, is the most effective form of HA available on the market.

Lysine - by Su-Per




Magnesium with Chromium plus B-Vitamins

Magnesium Oxide Powder 60%

Balanced Mare Blend by Twenty Four Carrots - hormonal balance

Mega-Cell by MVP - for grass hay or grass hay/alfalfa mixtures

Mega-Mag by MVP - for diets high in alfalfa

Meta-Support by CurOst -- Proven Weight Loss Support!

MicroBiome Support - Support the microbial population, reduce insulin resistance, improve digestion

MMX for nutritional calming

MSM for inflammation - pure and distilled of impurities



Nitric Boost from CurOst - Support Healthy Circulation

Nutra Amino - Essential Amino Acids Lysine, Methionine, and Threonine


Nutra-Flax Flaxseed Meal




Omega-3-F by Kauffman's for Performance

Organic Ground Flaxseeds from Getty Equine Nutrition! 

Organic Chia Seeds from Getty Equine Nutrition!

Orthopur Si - bioavailable Silica

Osteo-Gen by Equi-Force - Bone and Cartilage Building

Overweight Horse -- the Easy Keeper -- Part of the Spotlight on Equine Nutrition Series




Phos 4 - Supplemental Phosphorus for low-P hay

Perfect Balance Electrolite by Peak Performance Nutrients

Porta-Grazer Slow Feeder!

Praise Performance Hemp Seed Oil (replaced with Hemp Seed Heart Oil) - Cold-processed and organic. Contains all the omegas: 3, 6 & 9 - along with anti-inflammatory gamma linolenic acid (GLA).

Praise Performance Hemp Seed Protein Fiber (replaced with Hemp Seed Meal) - High Quality Protein from Ground Hemp Seeds with some fat removed.

Praise Performance Hemp Seed Topping (replaced with Hemp Seed Hearts) - Choose Hemp seed hearts with 40% Fat and 30% Protein if your horse needs extra protein along with extra fat calories.

PreOx - Professional Series Antioxidant

Profile - Omega 3 Conentrate from Flax, Chia and DHA!

Pro-Lactic DFM - Pro/prebiotic and Immune support

Psyllium Pellets by Su-Per

Psyllium Powder by Su-Per

Pure Allergy Relief from Twenty Four Carrots - Excellent quality

Pure Form Equine Chock Full'a Chia Biscuits - NEW NAME - Stable Feed Chia Biscuits and Loose Form




Quench! - Perfectly proportioned Electrolyte

Quiessence Magnesium




Redmond Rock - Quality Natural Sea Salt mined in Utah

ReitHoof - Advanced Support

REITSPORT -- Complete Product Line   

Respire - Allergies, Heaves, or Respiratory Issues




Spirulina and Manuka Honey by Stable Feed Organic Chia Biscuits 

Redmond Sea Salt mined in Utah

Sainfoin Pellets  -- NEW!

Sand Less -- NEW from Twenty Four Carrots

Seasons Biome Blend Pellets -- NEW!

Selen AT - Selenium Yeast/Natural Vitamin E

Selenium Yeast, just selenium, by Horsetech

Spirulina - Special pricing!

Stability EQ -- New Formula!

Stomach Soother from Wild Fed Feed - Herbal and Clean

Starting Gate - Lecithin to Prevent/Reverse Ulcers

Stop the Pain

suBstitUTE by Su-Per - Powder or Liquid

Su-Per Antioxidant - Horse Journal Favorite!

Su-Per B12 - Neurological support

Super Food Horse Treats - Extra Low in Sugar by Twenty Four Carrots

Su-Per SuBstitUTE Liquid or Powder

SweatWerks - for the Non-Sweater - Guaranteed to work!




Teleseminars in Print! Spotlight on Equine Nutrition Series

Thiamine (Vitamin B1) Concentrated by Horsetech

Thiamine (Vitamin B1) from Su-Per



Treats - Super Food Horse  - Extra Low in Sugar by Twenty Four Carrots

TurmeriGOLD - Concentrated turmeric with omega 3s, from Peak Performance Nutrients

Turmericle from Stance Equine - Turmeric, PowerStance, and Resveratrol








Vitamin B1 - Concentrated by Horsetech

Vitamin B1 by Su-Per

Vitamin B-12 by Su-Per

Vitamin C -- Buffered: C-442 by Horsetech

Natural Vitamin E by Horsetech

Vitamin E (Natural) - no selenium by Su-Per




WaterWerks - for Fecal Liquid and Leaky Gut syndromes

Wild Fed Blood Sugar Support - for Metabolic conditions

Wild Fed Joint Support - Herbal and Clean

Wild Fed Liver Cleanse - Excellent Liver Support

Whole Foods - Part of the Spotlight on Equine Nutrition Series




Yeast + - Digestion and Weight Gain