Curost Product Guide - Help Me Choose

CurOst Product Guide - Help Me Choose

Choose Based on Equine Conditions  

The goal with all conditions is to aid in restoring balance back to the body, which is accomplished by balancing the inflammatory response, improving cellular health and function, supporting the immune function, and providing proper nutrient provision. One must keep in mind that the diet and exercise regimen is the foundation for every program.  

In many instances, these goals may require the use of two (2) or more Cur-OST® formulas to achieve best results.  Most combination regimens are continued for 60-90 days, following label directions for each product.  After this time period, the regimens are often reduced to just the main Cur-OST® EQ Total, EQ Plus, Pure EQ or EQ Green with the goal of balancing the inflammatory response daily.  


FIVE IN ONE for Digestion, Joints, Inflammation, Immune, and Cellular Support:  CurOst EQ Total Body and Joint  


Tendon & Ligament Support:

Easy Keeper Horse: Cur-OST® EQ Total Support combined with Cur-OST® EQ Immune & Repair

Non-easy Keeper Horse: Cur-OST® EQ Plus Performance combined with Cur-OST® EQ Immune Full Spectrum


Joint Dysfunction:

Low Level:  Cur-OST® EQ Green 

Moderate level/ Competition:   Cur-OST® EQ Plus  

High level / Critical:  Cur-OST® Pure EQ Critical

Easy Keeper Type:  Cur-OST® EQ Total Support  


Navicular Support:

Easy Keeper Horse: Cur-OST® EQ Total Support

Non-easy Keeper Horse: Cur-OST® EQ Plus  (If lameness is severe, may substitute Cur-OST® EQ Pure Critical for the EQ Plus)


Laminitis Support:

Critical care (severe): Cur-OST® EQ Pure, +/- Cur-OST® EQ Adapt & Calm 

Chronic easy keeper: Cur-OST® EQ Total Support, +/- Cur-OST® EQ Adapt & Calm


Metabolic / Cushing’s Support:

Cur-OST® EQ Total Support, Cur-OST® EQ Meta-Support
Combine with Cur-OST® EQ Adapt and Calm if Cushing’s is present or under stress

As with laminitis, nutrition is essential to the recovery of these patients, as is exercise.  Consider options mentioned above for these metabolic patients for further support.

CurOst EQ Keto BHB - This is an aggressive approach for the horse that is still having difficulty losing weight and maintains regional fat deposits, making him at risk of developing laminitis. CurOst EQ Keto BHB directly impacts metabolism and insulin function in your horse. Benefits all equine metabolic syndrome and PSSM horses by providing an alternate and direct source of fuel and energy for the cell.  Promotes healthy body metabolism, body condition, insulin and glucose function in the horse.


Foregut and Hindgut Ulcer & Anxiety Support:

Non-Easy Keeper horse:  Cur-OST® EQ Stomach +/- Cur-OST® EQ Adapt & Calm

Easy Keeper Horse:  Cur-OST® EQ Total Support +/- Cur-OST® EQ Adapt & Calm


EPM/Lyme Support:

Easy Keeper horse:  Cur-OST® EQ Total Support combined with Cur-OST® EQ Immune Full Spectrum

Non-easy keeper horse: Cur-OST® EQ Plus Performance combined with Cur-OST® EQ Immune Full Spectrum


Allergies, COPD and I.A.D Support:

Easy Keeper: Cur-OST® EQ Total Supportcombined with Cur-OST® EQ Immune Full Spectrum

Non-Easy Keeper: Cur-OST® EQ Plus Performance combined with Cur-OST® EQ Immune Full Spectrum
(Some I.A.D. patients do benefit from the addition of the Cur-OST® EQ Stomach to moisturize the airways)


Chronic Colic & Gas Support:

Easy Keeper Horse:  Cur-OST® EQ Total Support

Non-Easy Keeper HorseCur-OST® EQ Stomach

Diet and stress are two main underlying components in these cases.  Evaluate both closely.  Add in necessary formulas as needed.


Uveitis Support:

Easy Keeper Horse:  Cur-OST® EQ Total Support combined with Cur-OST® EQ Immune Full Spectrum

Non-easy Keeper horse: Cur-OST® EQ Plus Performance combined with Cur-OST® EQ Immune Full Spectrum


Back and SI Support:

Easy keeper horse:  Cur-OST® EQ Total Support

Non-easy keeper horse: Cur-OST® EQ Plus Performance
(May substitute Cur-OST® EQ Pure for EQ Plus in more severe conditions)


Headshaker Support:

This condition is complex and arises from many causes, thus many approaches.

Easy Keeper Horse w/ Anxiety:  Cur-OST® EQ Total Support combined with Cur-OST® EQ Adapt & Calm  (+/- Cur-OST® EQ Stomach if ulcers present)

Non-Easy Keeper w/ Anxiety: Cur-OST® EQ Green +/- Cur-OST® EQ Adapt & Calm  (+/- Cur-OST® EQ Stomach if ulcers present)


Hoof, Tendon, Muscle & Coat Conditioning:

Easy Keeper Horse: Cur-OST® EQ Total Support

Non-Easy Keeper Horse: Cur-OST® EQ Plus


General Health and Lameness Support:

Younger Horse in Training: Cur-OST® EQ Green 

Adult: Cur-OST® EQ Plus Performance or Cur-OST® EQ Green (dependent on pre-existing problems)


General Nutrition Support – Whole Food Nutrients

Cur-OST® EQ Nitric Boost Enhanced