Getty Equine Nutrition

Podcasts - Dr. Getty on All About Horses Radio Show


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Listen to Dr. Juliet Getty, special guest on Jim Swanner's, "All About Horses" radio program. Recordings are only $2 to cover processing and archived for you to enjoy. They are each 30 minutes in length.

Topic choices include: Free Choice Feeding, Laminitis, the Aging Horse, Slow Feeders, Interpreting Hay Analysis, Pasture, and Whole Foods.  Only $2.00 for processing. 


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How to Access Your Download

After adding the interview to your cart and checking out, you will receive an email (during business hours) confirming your purchase and providing you with the link to listen or download the mp3 file recording.

Copyright Notice

Please note that the free interviews - as well as the teleseminars, webinars, and books - are copyright protected. Sale, distribution, or presentation in a public format (including Facebook, Twitter, etc.) is prohibited.